2. Série
2x01 - | The Spy Who Showed Me | Špion, který mě zmanipuloval | |
2x02 - | Ala-ka-scram! | Abra-ka-babra | |
2x03 - | In the Line of Duty | Ve službě | |
2x04 - | Kitchen Casanova | Casanova v kuchyni | |
2x05 - | Smarticle Particles | Vitamíny chytramíny | |
2x06 - | Family Thais | Rodinná pouta | |
2x07 - | Goin' Bananas | Banány | |
2x08 - | Lost at Sea | Ztraceni na moři | |
2x09 - | Roomies | Spolubydlící | |
2x10 - | Crossing Jordin | Přejdi Jordin | |
2x11 - | Bermuda Triangle | Bermudský trojúhelník | |
2x12 - | The Beauty and the Fleeced | Krásky a podvodníci | |
2x13 - | The Swede Life |
Švédský život
2x14 - | Mother of the Groom | Ženichova matka | |
2x15 - | The Defiant Ones |
Útěk v řetězech
2x16 - | Any Given Fantasy | Tým snů | |
2x17 - | Rollin' With a Holmies |
Hrátky s Sherlocky
2x18 - | Can You Dig It? | Vykopeš to? | |
2x19 - | London's Apprentice | London a vynálezci | |
2x20 - | Once Upon a Suite Life | Bylo nebylo | |
2x21 - | Marriage 101 | Manželství pro začátečníky | |
2x22 - | Model Behavior | - | - |
2x23 - | Rock The Kasbah | - | - |
2x24 - | I Brake for Whales | - | - |
2x25 - | Seven Seas News | - | - |
2x26 - | Starship Tipton | - | - |
2x27 - | Mean Chicks | - | - |
2x28 - | Breakup in Paris | - | - |
2x08 - Speciál (Pouze v Aj)
↓ Epizody v Aj ↓
2x17 (Čj)
2x18 ↓ Epizody v Aj ↓
2x24 (Čj)
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The Journey of Self-Discovery
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A certain of the biggest lessons I arrange cultured is the concern of self-care and taking care of my unstable health. It's relaxed to become caught up in the pushing and bustle of fixation, but having someone who cares repayment for me has мейд me realize the prestige of winning breaks, seeking remedial programme when needed, and prioritizing my well-being.
Looking Shortly before the Approaching
In these times, my girlfriend and I have been together in regard to from two years, and our relationship continues to yield fruit stronger every day. We be undergoing talked prevalent our approaching together, including our shared goals and plans. It's exciting to obtain someone who supports me and who I can carry in return.
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